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Doubting Thomas

Doubting Thomas

When I wrote the first post on the reality of Jesus, I was half-way through, on the seventh day. It was the eighth and ninth days that were most impactful for me, and especially the ninth day, which I largely wrote about in the post, “Climbing to Golgotha.” I must...

The River Jordan, Jericho and Camels

I wanted to post a couple of short videos. The first occurred at the end of the ninth day. Our last stop was at a bazaar to shop for souvenirs, and as luck would have it within the lot we found a camel. The second video was a day spent in the West Bank, including the...

Climbing to Golgotha: the ninth day.

It is difficult to describe the feelings of doing the stations of the cross where Christ lived them, except now, they are the streets of a Jerusalem rebuilt three times over; yet, when faced with the stone of anointing, and the tomb of Christ, and touching the rock of...

Church of the Pater Noster

On the eight day we visited the church of the Pater Noster, which is Latin for “Our Father.” This site is associated with the teaching of the disciples by Jesus and specifically, the teaching of the Lord’s Prayer. This was also the day we visited the...

The Shepherd’s Fields and Hervy Hodges

I am posting quick video from the airport, having made three on the flight back from Tel Aviv. I know that once I get back I will be busy and am fairly frantic to record as many thoughts as I can on a trip so meaningful as...